2023 Drawing-Growing

배미정 Mi Jung BAE

바람에 섞인 방울소리
The sound of bells in the wind

2023, acrylic on paper, 24×32cm

사라지고 있는 우리5
We're disappearing5

2023, acrylic on paper, 24×32cm

사라지고 있는 우리6
We're disappearing6

2023, acrylic on paper, 24×32cm

사라지고 있는 우리7
We're disappearing7

2023, acrylic on paper, 24×32cm

"대화" 시리즈17
"Conversation" Series17

2018, pen on paper, 21×13.5cm

"대화" 시리즈18
"Conversation" Series18

2018, pen on paper, 21×13.5cm