미학관 美學館 MIHAKGWAN Philosopher's Stone



사랑의 은혜로_3 

By the Grace of Love_3


2023, pencil, charcoal, acrylic, and clothes, 90×108cm

커미션 작업: Reverse Engineering(2023, YPC)

사랑의 은혜로_2

By the Grace of Love_2


2023, pencil, charcoal, acrylic, and clothes, 23×20cm

커미션 작업: Reverse Engineering(2023, YPC)

사랑의 은혜로_4

By the Grace of Love_4


2023, pencil, charcoal, acrylic, and clothes, 47×70cm

커미션 작업: Reverse Engineering(2023, YPC)

내 진정 사모하는_9 

My Dearest Love_9


2023, pencil, charcoal, acrylic, and clothes, 68×78cm

커미션 작업: Reverse Engineering(2023, YPC)