미학관 美學館 MIHAKGWAN Philosopher's Stone
2022 Drawing-Growing
김화현 Hwahyun Kim
思美人曲 (습작)
2017, 순지에 수묵 후 채색, 33x24cm
The Apostle (a test)
2017, Ink and watercolor on Korean paper, 33x24cm
思美人曲의 밑그림
2016, 종이에 연필, 22.7x15.8cm
The Underdrawings for The Apostle
2016, Pencil on paper, 22.7x15.8cm
전지적 여성향 시점 Girl, Un/Interrupted
개인전 포스터를 위한 드로잉
2008~2020, 트레팔지에 연필, 22x15cm
A Drawing for the Poster for the 2020 solo exhibition
“Girl, Un/Interrupted”
2008~2020, Pencil on tracing film, 22x15cm
Nothing Is Lost
2015, 종이에 연필, 22x14cm
Nothing Is Lost
2015, Pencil on paper, 22x14cm